secure之【形容詞】意義為 妥當啦~之類的
1. a secure job/income 穩定的工作╱收入
2. The future of the company looks secure. 電腦的未來看來是妥當的啦~
3. Our relationship was now on a more secure footing. 現在,我們的關係有一個更為穩固的基礎了。
4. She locked the door securely behind her. 她隨手把門鎖好。
1. He secured a place for himself at law school. 他在法學院取得了學籍。
2. She secured 2 000 votes. 她獲得 2000 票。
3. The tables on board were secured firmly to the floor. 船上的桌子緊緊固定在地板上。
4. The windows were secured with locks and bars. 窗戶已經插上栓,上了鎖,都關好了。
5. a savings plan that will secure your child's future 確保你孩子的前途的儲蓄計劃
第四個意思為抵押 (to legally agree to give somebody property or goods that are worth the same amount as the money that you have borrowed from them, if you are unable to pay the money back)
6. a short-term loan secured on the house 以房子作抵押的短期貸款